

The Beginner's Guide to Essential Guitar Effect Pedals | What You Need To Know

The Beginner's Guide to Essential Guitar Effect Pedals | What You Need To Know

By August 14, 2019 | Category_Tips & Guides>Guitars Guitar effects Guitar Pedals

Much like the perfect partner, ‘the perfect guitar pedal’ does not exist. And no matter how many forums or discussions you’ve been a part of, finding your perfect fit comes down to a matter of interpretation. ‘One guitar effects pedal is all you need’, said no guitarist ever; wait! Before...

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Pedal Power – Six Vibe Pedals

Pedal Power – Six Vibe Pedals

By November 26, 2015 | Buying Guide Category_Buying Guide>Guitars Guitar Pedals

Although the original was designed to emulate a rotating speaker, the vibe pedal quickly made its own voice in the world of guitar. Jimi Hendrix, Robin Trower, David Gilmour, and countless others have used this effect to create classic tones and riffs. Here are six great-sounding, distinct versions, each with...

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Best mini guitar effects pedals

Best mini guitar effects pedals

By Kailash Pate November 20, 2015 | Buying Guide Category_Buying Guide>Guitars Effects Pedals Guitar Pedals

They came to conquer your pedalboard. Like the polar ice caps or Dairy Milk bars, pedals are shrinking, and with bona fide classics such as the Cry Baby and Tube Screamer receiving circuit board liposuction, mini pedals going aren't going anywhere but underneath our feet. As a brief scour of...

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Artist Signature Products Now In Stock!

Artist Signature Products Now In Stock!

By July 07, 2015 | Category_Buying Guide>Accessories Drumsticks Guitar Pedals John Petrucci Signature

Looks like it is an early Christmas on the block this week! We are back and we have just the presents you need! Right from brand new modulation pedals to drumsticks, we have it all. This week we have some brand new stuff on the block that we would like...

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